Health and Wellness Video

Rego Digital Studio specializes in creating video for healthcare providers, plans and others in the healthcare space.   Video is the most powerful way to market, promote and educate your target audience about your products or services. Having professional video on your website moves you up in search results and provides instant credibility with viewers. Videos can be used on your website or various hosted sites, in the field and now even as small video banner ads with certain widgets.

We Know How to Tell the Health and Wellness Story

Antonio Rego’s health care experience dates back over ten years when he created an award winning television program for a major healthcare system on children’s health that ran for several seasons on ABC Family and the USA Network. His work includes programming that features some of the word's leading children's hospitals, international medical experts and administrators of many of the largest healthcare systems in the United States. Antonio brings his Hollywood experience to every project whether large or small to deliver superior quality and value.

We Know the Health and Wellness Business

We have experience working for hospital systems, physician groups, drug and device manufacturers and payers.  Having a production company with her experience is very rare and it makes your project easier to execute and better crafted to tell your story. Our experience also is very helpful when it comes to deciding what areas to focus on, when and where to use humor and how to appeal to busy audiences such as clinicians.

How to Use Video for Health and Wellness Marketing

Profile Videos

Every company website should have a brief but powerful commercial quality video that explains who they are, what they do and shows their services/products and patients/enrollees/clients talking about their experiences.

Product, Project and Service Launch Videos

Launch a new product, project, service line or even key recruitment with a short video introduction. Demonstrate the product or how the new service will benefit the client or community and create a buzz.

Expertise Videos

Provide much needed advice on short topics to your target audiences in a series of videos that provide a more in-depth look as your expertise. On the higher end, we can create a softer promotional piece type reality show using competitions, local celebrities or other experts.

Experience Videos

These are essentially visual, more engaging case studies highlighting a positive patient, enrollee or client experience.  These also can be done realty show style by proactively filming an experience.

Education Video

Educating your target audience on how to your services or products work is more detail is important and demonstrates your expertise and makes them more comfortable using the product or service. Video is a great way to demonstrate how something works as many people prefer visual learning. Video might also be the “product” if part of your business is providing education on healthcare or wellness topics.

Recruiting Videos

Attracting good people is key to a successful business. A short video explaining why your company is different and hearing from employees is a very powerful recruiting tool.

Fundraising Videos

Whether for-profit or non-profit, telling your story and why funding is important is vital to success for an individual project or for the business as a whole. These videos are longer, more targeted versions of the Profile Video focusing on success stories, planned projects, meeting key management, etc.

How to Get Health Marketing Video

Contact us to learn how a professional producer with the commitment, experience and capability to create effective programming can help you reach your healthcare or health and wellness marketing goals. The information that we have presented on this web site only begins to address the power and possibilities of video. We’ll be glad to help you develop a strategy that will apply to your situation and your needs in order to help you achieve your goals.


  • Video is a powerful tool that establishes brand identity while attracting and keeping clients, patients or enrollees.
  • Rego Digital Studio has specialized experience with health and wellness.
  • Video provides many ways to market heath and wellness companies, including profiles, education and recruiting.
  • Video can be shown in many different places.
  • Click to learn about our process of producing video
  • Click to see samples of our work

Sample Profile Video

Sample Education Video

Sample Fundraising Video