Real Estate Video

Why Use Video for Real Estate Marketing?
More real estate agents and agencies are using video than ever before. And with good reason: Real Estate Video is a powerful tool that:
- Builds your brand
- Markets your listings
- Differentiates you from other agents
Video Profiles: Build Your Brand
A video profile introduces agents and companies to potential clients by delivering your essential marketing messages. It lets prospective clients get to know you and your background in a more personal way that a static website or brochure. Profiles are a key marketing tool that you will have for several years. Using video in 2010, means that you are in the forefront of real estate marketing. It immediately sets you apart from others who don’t have video. Video profiles enhance an existing website and improves your search engine optimization. Profiles can be shown everywhere: agency sites, agent sites, YouTube, Facebook, mobile phones, and other key sites. For clients who are concerned about hosting video streams, we offer video hosting. (so a website of your own right away is not a necessity).
We offer three levels of Real Estate Video Profiles:
Basic Profile
One minute high definition video in which you introduce yourself and talk about your background and interests with music of your choosing and graphics.
Standard Profile
Two minutes of a brief introduction by you and either 2 client testimonials or additional footage of you in action, meeting with clients, showing homes and out in the community.
Premium Profile
Three minutes with up to three client testimonials. More time spent developing a script to feature your particular strengths that set you apart from other agents. Additional filming including on location footage of you meeting with clients and professionals and out in the community.
Video Tours: Sell More Listings. Get More Listings
A real estate video tour presents the features of a listing in full-motion video, often accompanied with music and narration. They highlight the features of listings in a more effective way than just photos and virtual tours. In short, they sell listings.
Video tours demonstrate the marketing efforts agents and agencies for sellers in any market, but especially during the current one. Tours not only market listings, they also market agents as being effective marketers by demonstrating to potential sellers your marketing efforts. In short, agents also use tours get more listings.
They can be viewed everywhere. We can post a video on a blog, website or on sites such as YouTube or even host a tour page for the listing. Search engine optimization can make video tours more accessible.
We offer two levels of Real Estate Video Tours:
Basic Tour
3-minute full-motion video tour of the features of a listing using a high definition camera. Flexible pricing available for multiple listings.
Enhanced Tour
This is an effective way to brand your expertise in a particular market (i.e., downtown Davis, high end homes, golf course communities or green houses). Extensivey show a listing or neighborhood with up to six minutes including community footage, construction details or before/after pictures. Feature the builder, or in some cases, the homeowner talking about the house.
Beyond Profiles and Tours: Lead the Field
In addition to profiles and tours, video offers so many opportunities for agents and agencies to demonstrate their expertise and effectiveness, ie sell and attract listings. With video sharing sites and social media, there is no excuse for failing to build a brand using the latest methods. Video blogs, Facebook marketing and Twitter have become emerging means of attracting clients and customers. We can help you tap into them with video.
How Can I Get Real Estate Marketing Video?
Contact us to learn how a professional producer with the commitment, experience and capability to create effective programming can help you reach your real estate marketing goals. The information that we have presented on this web site only begins to address the power and possibilities of video. We’ll be glad to help you develop a strategy that will apply to your situation and your needs in order to help you achieve your goals.